I\'m looking for a decent sort implementation for arrays in VBA. A Quicksort would be preferred. Or any other sort algorithm other than bubble or merge would suffice.
@Prasand Kumar, here's a complete sort routine based on Prasand's concepts:
Public Sub ArrayListSort(ByRef SortArray As Variant)
'Uses the sort capabilities of a System.Collections.ArrayList object to sort an array of values of any simple
'AUTHOR: Peter Straton
'CREDIT: Derived from Prasand Kumar's post at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/152319/vba-array-sort-function
Static ArrayListObj As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim LBnd As Long
Dim UBnd As Long
LBnd = LBound(SortArray)
UBnd = UBound(SortArray)
'If necessary, create the ArrayList object, to be used to sort the specified array's values
If ArrayListObj Is Nothing Then
Set ArrayListObj = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
ArrayListObj.Clear 'Already allocated so just clear any old contents
End If
'Add the ArrayList elements from the array of values to be sorted. (There appears to be no way to do this
'using a single assignment statement.)
For i = LBnd To UBnd
ArrayListObj.Add SortArray(i)
Next i
ArrayListObj.Sort 'Do the sort
'Transfer the sorted ArrayList values back to the original array, which can be done with a single assignment
'statement. But the result is always zero-based so then, if necessary, adjust the resulting array to match
'its original index base.
SortArray = ArrayListObj.ToArray
If LBnd <> 0 Then ReDim Preserve SortArray(LBnd To UBnd)
End Sub