I\'m looking for a decent sort implementation for arrays in VBA. A Quicksort would be preferred. Or any other sort algorithm other than bubble or merge would suffice.
Heapsort implementation. An O(n log(n)) (both average and worst case), in place, unstable sorting algorithm.
Use with: Call HeapSort(A)
, where A
is a one dimensional array of variants, with Option Base 1
Sub SiftUp(A() As Variant, I As Long)
Dim K As Long, P As Long, S As Variant
K = I
While K > 1
P = K \ 2
If A(K) > A(P) Then
S = A(P): A(P) = A(K): A(K) = S
K = P
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub SiftDown(A() As Variant, I As Long)
Dim K As Long, L As Long, S As Variant
K = 1
L = K + K
If L > I Then Exit Sub
If L + 1 <= I Then
If A(L + 1) > A(L) Then L = L + 1
End If
If A(K) < A(L) Then
S = A(K): A(K) = A(L): A(L) = S
K = L
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub HeapSort(A() As Variant)
Dim N As Long, I As Long, S As Variant
N = UBound(A)
For I = 2 To N
Call SiftUp(A, I)
Next I
For I = N To 2 Step -1
S = A(I): A(I) = A(1): A(1) = S
Call SiftDown(A, I - 1)
End Sub