I have a fragment I am trying to add into a view.
FragmentManager fragMgr=getSupportFragmentManager();
feed_parser_activity content = (feed_parser_activity)f
I've had the same problem when was doing fragment transaction while activity creation.
The core problem is what Nick has already pointed out - view tree has not been inflated yet. But his solution didn't work - the same exception in onResume, onPostCreate etc.
The solution is to add callback to container fragment to signal when it's ready:
public class MyContainerFragment extends Fragment {
public static interface Callbacks {
void onMyContainerAttached();
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
Log.d(TAG, "--- onAttach");
((Callbacks) activity).onMyContainerAttached();
//... rest of code
And then in activity:
public class MainActivity extends Activity
implements MyContainerFragment.Callbacks
public void onMyContainerAttached() {
.replace(R.id.containerFrame, new MyFragment())