I need a method for adding \"business days\" in PHP. For example, Friday 12/5 + 3 business days = Wednesday 12/10.
At a minimum I need the code to understand weekend
Here is a recursive solution. It can easily be modified to only keep track of and return the latest date.
// Returns a $numBusDays-sized array of all business dates,
// starting from and including $currentDate.
// Any date in $holidays will be skipped over.
function getWorkingDays($currentDate, $numBusDays, $holidays = array(),
$resultDates = array())
// exit when we have collected the required number of business days
if ($numBusDays === 0) {
return $resultDates;
// add current date to return array, if not a weekend or holiday
$date = date("w", strtotime($currentDate));
if ( $date != 0 && $date != 6 && !in_array($currentDate, $holidays) ) {
$resultDates[] = $currentDate;
$numBusDays -= 1;
// set up the next date to test
$currentDate = new DateTime("$currentDate + 1 day");
$currentDate = $currentDate->format('Y-m-d');
return getWorkingDays($currentDate, $numBusDays, $holidays, $resultDates);
// test
$days = getWorkingDays('2008-12-05', 4);