I need a method for adding \"business days\" in PHP. For example, Friday 12/5 + 3 business days = Wednesday 12/10.
At a minimum I need the code to understand weekend
I had this same need i started with bobbin's first example and ended up with this
function add_business_days($startdate,$buisnessdays,$holidays=array(),$dateformat){
$enddate = strtotime($startdate);
$day = date('N',$enddate);
while($buisnessdays > 1){
$enddate = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',$enddate).' +1 day');
$day = date('N',$enddate);
if($day < 6 && !in_array($enddate,$holidays))$buisnessdays--;
return date($dateformat,$enddate);
hth someone