Does anyone know how to use the HttpClient in .Net 4.5 with multipart/form-data upload?
I couldn\'t find any examples on the internet.
public async Task PassImageWithText(IFormFile files) { byte[] data; string result = ""; ByteArrayContent bytes; MultipartFormDataContent multiForm = new MultipartFormDataContent(); try { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { using (var br = new BinaryReader(files.OpenReadStream())) { data = br.ReadBytes((int)files.OpenReadStream().Length); } bytes = new ByteArrayContent(data); multiForm.Add(bytes, "files", files.FileName); multiForm.Add(new StringContent("value1"), "key1"); multiForm.Add(new StringContent("value2"), "key2"); var res = await client.PostAsync(_MEDIA_ADD_IMG_URL, multiForm); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.ToString()); } return result; }