Is it possible to unsubscribe an anonymous method from an event?
If I subscribe to an event like this:
void MyMethod()
Console.WriteLine(\"I di
If the best way is to keep a reference on the subscribed eventHandler, this can be achieved using a Dictionary.
In this example, I have to use a anonymous method to include the mergeColumn parameter for a set of DataGridViews.
Using the MergeColumn method with the enable parameter set to true enables the event while using it with false disables it.
static Dictionary subscriptions = new Dictionary();
public static void MergeColumns(this DataGridView dg, bool enable, params ColumnGroup[] mergedColumns) {
if(enable) {
subscriptions[dg] = (s, e) => Dg_Paint(s, e, mergedColumns);
dg.Paint += subscriptions[dg];
else {
if(subscriptions.ContainsKey(dg)) {
dg.Paint -= subscriptions[dg];