I am using selenium with python and have downloaded the chromedriver for my windows computer from this site: http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html?path=2.15/
Had this issue with Mac Mojave running Robot test framework and Chrome 77. This solved the problem. Kudos @Navarasu for pointing me to the right track.
$ pip install webdriver-manager --user # install webdriver-manager lib for python
$ python # open python prompt
Next, in python prompt:
from selenium import webdriver
from webdriver_manager.chrome import ChromeDriverManager
driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())
# ctrl+d to exit
This leads to the following error:
Checking for mac64 chromedriver:xx.x.xxxx.xx in cache
There is no cached driver. Downloading new one...
Trying to download new driver from http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/xx.x.xxxx.xx/chromedriver_mac64.zip
TypeError: makedirs() got an unexpected keyword argument 'exist_ok'
Open ~/.bash_profile
with editor and add:
export PATH="$HOME/chromedriver:$PATH"
Open new terminal window, ta-da