I was reading A Programmer’s Guide to Java™ SCJP Certification by Khalid Mughal.
In the Inheritance chapter, it explains that
If that's what the book really says, it's wrong.[1]
The Java Language Specification #8.4.8 states:
8.4.8 Inheritance, Overriding, and Hiding
A class C inherits from its direct superclass all concrete methods m (both static and instance) of the superclass for which all of the following are true:
m is a member of the direct superclass of C.
m is public, protected, or declared with package access in the same package as C.
No method declared in C has a signature that is a subsignature (§8.4.2) of the signature of m.
[1] It doesn't say that in my copy, 1st edition, 2000.