To identify each devices uniquely I would like to use the IMEI (or ESN number for CDMA devices). How to access this programmatically?
I use the following code to get the IMEI or use Secure.ANDROID_ID as an alternative, when the device doesn't have phone capabilities:
* Returns the unique identifier for the device
* @return unique identifier for the device
public String getDeviceIMEI() {
String deviceUniqueIdentifier = null;
TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) this.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
if (null != tm) {
deviceUniqueIdentifier = tm.getDeviceId();
if (null == deviceUniqueIdentifier || 0 == deviceUniqueIdentifier.length()) {
deviceUniqueIdentifier = Settings.Secure.getString(this.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
return deviceUniqueIdentifier;