I submitted my app a little over a week ago and got the dreaded rejection email today. It tells me that my app cannot be accepted because I\'m using a non-public API; specif
This is what I have in my UIViewController Category. Useful for many things, including getting first responder. Blocks are great!
- (UIView*) enumerateAllSubviewsOf: (UIView*) aView UsingBlock: (BOOL (^)( UIView* aView )) aBlock {
for ( UIView* aSubView in aView.subviews ) {
if( aBlock( aSubView )) {
return aSubView;
} else if( ! [ aSubView isKindOfClass: [ UIControl class ]] ){
UIView* result = [ self enumerateAllSubviewsOf: aSubView UsingBlock: aBlock ];
if( result != nil ) {
return result;
return nil;
- (UIView*) enumerateAllSubviewsUsingBlock: (BOOL (^)( UIView* aView )) aBlock {
return [ self enumerateAllSubviewsOf: self.view UsingBlock: aBlock ];
- (UIView*) findFirstResponder {
return [ self enumerateAllSubviewsUsingBlock:^BOOL(UIView *aView) {
if( [ aView isFirstResponder ] ) {
return YES;
return NO;