Is it possible to make changes to a CSS rule-set dynamically (i.e. some JS which would change a CSS rule-set when the user clicks a widget)
This particular CSS rule-
give your style tag an id, like
if someonelse is making your styles for you
tell THAT person to give the style tag an id -
that way you can access it directly without
scrambling around wondering what its index is
// create a hash table
var cssHash = {};
// loop through and populate the hash table
for (let i in (r = ss0.sheet.rules)) {
// selectorText is the name of the rule - set the value equal to the rule
cssHash[r[i].selectorText] = r[i];
now you have a hash table for everything in the style sheet - note that some values will be undefined, but not for any of the things you care about
if you have, for instance, a class called #menuItem and you want to change its color to black, do this
cssHash['#menuItem'].style.color = #000;
that line will set the color of the style of the rule whose index was looked up in the hash table (cssHash) by the name '#menuItem'
more importantly, you probably have several different classes that you want to change all at once kind of like when you switched majors in college
let's say you have four different classes and you want to set all of their background colors to the same value, that some user selected from an input
the color selector tag is
and the class rules you want to change are called
#menuItem .homeAddr span and #vacuum:hover
// create a listener for that color selector
bColor.addEventListener('input', function (e) {
// loop through a split list of the four class names
'#menuItem .homeAddr span #vacuum:hover'.split(' ').forEach(function (obj) {
// use the hash table to look up the index of each name
// and set the background color equal to the color input's value
cssHash[obj].style.backgroundColor = bColor.value;
}, false); // false added here for the sake of non-brevity