Samsung Galaxy S3 has an external SD card slot, which is mounted to /mnt/extSdCard
How can I get this path by something like Environment.getExter
Thanks for the clues provided by you guys, especially @SmartLemon, I got the solution. In case someone else need it, I put my final solution here( to find the first listed external SD card ):
public File getExternalSDCardDirectory()
File innerDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
File rootDir = innerDir.getParentFile();
File firstExtSdCard = innerDir ;
File[] files = rootDir.listFiles();
for (File file : files) {
if (file.compareTo(innerDir) != 0) {
firstExtSdCard = file;
//Log.i("2", firstExtSdCard.getAbsolutePath().toString());
return firstExtSdCard;
If no external SD card there, then it returns the on board storage. I will use it if the sdcard is not exist, you may need to change it.