I am looking for a way to replace characters in a Swift String
Example: \"This is my string\"
I would like to replace \" \" with \"+\" to get \
Xcode 11 • Swift 5.1
The mutating method of StringProtocol replacingOccurrences
can be implemented as follow:
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: StringProtocol {
mutating func replaceOccurrences(of target: Target, with replacement: Replacement, options: String.CompareOptions = [], range searchRange: Range? = nil) {
self = .init(replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, options: options, range: searchRange))
var name = "This is my string"
name.replaceOccurrences(of: " ", with: "+")
print(name) // "This+is+my+string\n"