In a React app component which handles Facebook-like content feeds, I am running into an error:
Feed.js:94 undefined \"parsererror\" \"SyntaxError: Un
In a nutshell, if you're getting this error or similar error, that means only one thing. That is, in someplace in our codebase we were expecting a valid JSON format to process and we didn't get one. For example:
var string = "some string";
Will throw an error, saying
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 0
Because, the first character in string
is s
& it's not a valid JSON now. This can throw error in between also. like:
var invalidJSON= '{"foo" : "bar", "missedquotehere : "value" }';
Will throw error:
VM598:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token v in JSON at position 36
because we intentionally missed a quote in the JSON string invalidJSON
at position 36.
And if you fix that:
var validJSON= '{"foo" : "bar", "missedquotehere : "value" }';
will give you an object in JSON.
Now, this error can be thrown in any place & in any framework/library. Most of the time you may be reading a network response which is not valid JSON. So steps of debugging this issue can be like:
or hit the actual API you're calling.JSON.parse
. If you're getting error, fix it.