Hi For many days I have been working on this problem in MySQL, however I can not figure it out. Do any of you have suggestions?
Basically, I have a category table wi
The linear way:
I am using a ugly function to create a tree in a simple string field.
/ topic title
/001 message 1
/002 message 2
/002/001 reply to message 2
/002/001/001/ reply to reply
/003 message 3
the table can be used to select all the rows in the tree order with a simple SQL Query:
select * from morum_messages where m_topic=1234 order by m_linear asc
is just select the parent linear (and children) and calculate the string as needed.
select M_LINEAR FROM forum_messages WHERE m_topic = 1234 and M_LINEAR LIKE '{0}/___' ORDER BY M_LINEAR DESC limit 0,1
/* {0} - m_linear of the parent message*/
is simple as delete the message, or delete by linear all replies of the parent one.