I have a class, lets call it Book with a property called Name. With that property, I have an attribute associated with it.
public class Book
public static class PropertyInfoExtensions
public static TValue GetAttributValue(this PropertyInfo prop, Func value) where TAttribute : Attribute
var att = prop.GetCustomAttributes(
typeof(TAttribute), true
).FirstOrDefault() as TAttribute;
if (att != null)
return value(att);
return default(TValue);
//get class properties with attribute [AuthorAttribute]
var props = typeof(Book).GetProperties().Where(prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(AuthorAttribute)));
foreach (var prop in props)
string value = prop.GetAttributValue((AuthorAttribute a) => a.Name);
//get class properties with attribute [AuthorAttribute]
var props = typeof(Book).GetProperties().Where(prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(AuthorAttribute)));
IList values = props.Select(prop => prop.GetAttributValue((AuthorAttribute a) => a.Name)).Where(attr => attr != null).ToList();