What is the fastest, easiest tool or method to convert text files between character sets?
Specifically, I need to convert from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-15 and vice versa.>
If you have vim
you can use this:
Not tested for every encoding.
The cool part about this is that you don't have to know the source encoding
vim +"set nobomb | set fenc=utf8 | x" filename.txt
Be aware that this command modify directly the file
: Used by vim to directly enter command when opening a file. Usualy used to open a file at a specific line: vim +14 file.txt
: Separator of multiple commands (like ;
in bash)set nobomb
: no utf-8 BOMset fenc=utf8
: Set new encoding to utf-8 doc linkx
: Save and close filefilename.txt
: path to the file"
: qotes are here because of pipes. (otherwise bash will use them as bash pipe)