For a person without a comp-sci background, what is a lambda in the world of Computer Science?
The question has been answered fully, I don't want to go into details. I want to share the usage when writing numerical computation in rust.
There is an example of a lambda(anonymous function)
let f = |x: f32| -> f32 { x * x - 2.0 };
let df = |x: f32| -> f32 { 2.0 * x };
When I was writing a module of Newton–Raphson method, it was used as first and second order derivative. (If you want to know what is Newton–Raphson method, please visit "".
The output as the following
println!("f={:.6} df={:.6}", f(10.0), df(10.0))
f=98.000000 df=20.000000