For a person without a comp-sci background, what is a lambda in the world of Computer Science?
@Brian I use lambdas all the time in C#, in LINQ and non-LINQ operators. Example:
string[] GetCustomerNames(IEnumerable customers)
{ return customers.Select(c=>c.Name);
Before C#, I used anonymous functions in JavaScript for callbacks to AJAX functions, before the term Ajax was even coined:
getXmlFromServer(function(result) {/*success*/}, function(error){/*fail*/});
The interesting thing with C#'s lambda syntax, though, is that on their own their type cannot be infered (i.e., you can't type var foo = (x,y) => x * y) but depending on which type they're assigned to, they'll be compiled as delegates or abstract syntax trees representing the expression (which is how LINQ object mappers do their "language-integrated" magic).
Lambdas in LISP can also be passed to a quotation operator and then traversed as a list of lists. Some powerful macros are made this way.