How can I configure and use two data sources?
For example here is what I have for the first data source:
I also had to setup connection to 2 datasources from Spring Boot application, and it was not easy - the solution mentioned in the Spring Boot documentation didn't work. After a long digging through the internet I made it work and the main idea was taken from this article and bunch of other places.
The following solution is written in Kotlin and works with Spring Boot 2.1.3 and Hibernate Core 5.3.7. Main issue was that it was not enough just to setup different DataSource configs, but it was also necessary to configure EntityManagerFactory and TransactionManager for both databases.
Here is config for the first (Primary) database:
entityManagerFactoryRef = "firstDbEntityManagerFactory",
transactionManagerRef = "firstDbTransactionManager",
basePackages = [""]
class FirstDbConfig {
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource.firstDb")
fun firstDbDataSource(): DataSource {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build()
@Bean(name = ["firstDbEntityManagerFactory"])
fun firstDbEntityManagerFactory(
builder: EntityManagerFactoryBuilder,
@Qualifier("firstDbDataSource") dataSource: DataSource
): LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean {
return builder
// Following is the optional configuration for naming strategy
@Bean(name = ["firstDbTransactionManager"])
fun firstDbTransactionManager(
@Qualifier("firstDbEntityManagerFactory") firstDbEntityManagerFactory: EntityManagerFactory
): PlatformTransactionManager {
return JpaTransactionManager(firstDbEntityManagerFactory)
And this is config for second database:
entityManagerFactoryRef = "secondDbEntityManagerFactory",
transactionManagerRef = "secondDbTransactionManager",
basePackages = [""]
class SecondDbConfig {
fun secondDbDataSource(): DataSource {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build()
@Bean(name = ["secondDbEntityManagerFactory"])
fun secondDbEntityManagerFactory(
builder: EntityManagerFactoryBuilder,
@Qualifier("secondDbDataSource") dataSource: DataSource
): LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean {
return builder
@Bean(name = ["secondDbTransactionManager"])
fun secondDbTransactionManager(
@Qualifier("secondDbEntityManagerFactory") secondDbEntityManagerFactory: EntityManagerFactory
): PlatformTransactionManager {
return JpaTransactionManager(secondDbEntityManagerFactory)
The properties for datasources are like this:
Issue with properties was that I had to define jdbc-url instead of url because otherwise I had an exception.
p.s. Also you might have different naming schemes in your databases, which was the case for me. Since Hibernate 5 does not support all previous naming schemes, I had to use solution from this answer - maybe it will also help someone as well.