How can I connect my Android emulator to the internet, e.g. to use the browser? I\'ve found lots of advice on what do to when your connected through a proxy, but that\'s not
There are different solutions to this problem . One of these , i will show you on my experiment and outcomes seen on results using a recent android studio and AVD images downloaded 2017.
First thing you have to do is launch your AVD from android studio.(in my case i choose NEXUSAPI25 android 7.1 image)
Goto Settings->Wirless and Networking - > Cellular Network - > Access Points -> (+) press add - > enter the following if you dont have NTLM proxy or proxy at all (that means you are directly connected)
a. add apn name as myAPN b. add apn server => www c. save and try browsing the internet.
if this doesn work add 'ANDROID_SDK_ROOT' in you environment variable
Then , launch AVD using emulator command as follow
emulator -avd Nexus25 -dns-server
For those who use NTLM proxies , i will show you how it work for me next.
add your Android_sdk_root path into your environment variable. THis make command line code read succesfully like using AVD names and so on.
Launch your emaulator using the following command
>emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_25 -http-proxy http://username:password@ipaddress:port