What\'s your preferred way of getting current system status (current CPU, RAM, free disk space, etc.) in Python? Bonus points for *nix and Windows platforms.
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Below codes, without external libraries worked for me. I tested at Python 2.7.9
CPU Usage
import os
CPU_Pct=str(round(float(os.popen('''grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage }' ''').readline()),2))
#print results
print("CPU Usage = " + CPU_Pct)
And Ram Usage, Total, Used and Free
import os
mem=str(os.popen('free -t -m').readlines())
Get a whole line of memory output, it will be something like below
[' total used free shared buffers cached\n',
'Mem: 925 591 334 14 30 355\n',
'-/+ buffers/cache: 205 719\n',
'Swap: 99 0 99\n',
'Total: 1025 591 434\n']
So, we need total memory, usage and free memory.
We should find the index of capital T which is unique at this string
Than, we can recreate the string with this information. After T we have,
"Total: " which has 14 characters, so we can start from index of T +14
and last 4 characters are also not necessary.
We can create a new sub-string using this information
The result will be like
1025 603 422
we need to find first index of the first space, and we can start our substring
from from 0 to this index number, this will give us the string of total memory
S1_ind=mem_G.index(' ')
Similarly we will create a new sub-string, which will start at the second value.
The resulting string will be like
603 422
Again, we should find the index of first space and than the
take the Used Memory and Free memory.
S2_ind=mem_G1.index(' ')
print 'Summary = ' + mem_G
print 'Total Memory = ' + mem_T +' MB'
print 'Used Memory = ' + mem_U +' MB'
print 'Free Memory = ' + mem_F +' MB'