I have a class that will download a file from a https server. When I run it, it returns a lot of errors. It seems that I have a problem with my certificate
UPDATE: That a reboot helped was coincidental (I hoped so, hooray!). The real cause of the problem was this: When Gradle is directed to use a specific keystore, that keystore must also contain all the official root certificates. Otherwise it cannot access libraries from regular repositories. What I had to do was this:
Import the self-signed certificate:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias myselfsignedcert -file /Users/me/Desktop/selfsignedcert.crt -keystore ./privateKeystore.jks
Add the official root certificates:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /lib/security/cacerts -destkeystore ./privateKeystore.jks
Maybe the Gradle daemon also got in the way. Might be worth killing all running daemons found with ./gradlew --status
if things start looking bleak.
Nobody will believe this, I know. Still, if all else fails, give it a try: After a reboot of my Mac the problem was gone. Grrr.
Background: ./gradlew jar kept giving me "unable to find valid certification path to requested target"
I am stuck with a self-signed certificate, saved from browser, imported in privateKeystore.jks. Then instructed Gradle to work with privateKeystore.jks:
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Djavax.net.debug=SSL -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore="/Users/me/IntelliJ/myproject/privateKeystore.jks" -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit
As mentioned, this only worked after a reboot.