What files should be in my .gitignore
for an Android Studio project?
I\'ve seen several examples that all include .iml
but IntelliJ docs sa
Building on my normal Android .gitignore, and after reading through documentation on the Intellij IDEA website and reading posts on StackOverflow, I have constructed the following file:
# built application files
# files for the dex VM
# Java class files
# built native files (uncomment if you build your own)
# *.o
# *.so
# generated files
# Ignore gradle files
# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)
# Proguard folder generated by Eclipse
# Eclipse Metadata
# Mac OS X clutter
# Windows clutter
# Intellij IDEA (see https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/entries/23393067)
Also note that as pointed out, the built native files section is primarily useful when you are building your own native code with the Android NDK. If, on the other hand, you are using a third party library that includes these files, you may wish to remove these lines (*.o and *.so) from your .gitignore.