According to the docs, \"Without middleware, Redux store only supports synchronous data flow\". I don\'t understand why this is the case. Why can\'t the container component
To Answer the question:
Why can't the container component call the async API, and then dispatch the actions?
I would say for at least two reasons:
The first reason is the separation of concerns, it's not the job of the action creator
to call the api
and get data back, you have to have to pass two argument to your action creator function
, the action type
and a payload
The second reason is because the redux store
is waiting for a plain object with mandatory action type and optionally a payload
(but here you have to pass the payload too).
The action creator should be a plain object like below:
function addTodo(text) {
return {
type: ADD_TODO,
And the job of Redux-Thunk midleware
to dispache
the result of your api call
to the appropriate action