According to the docs, \"Without middleware, Redux store only supports synchronous data flow\". I don\'t understand why this is the case. Why can\'t the container component
The short answer: seems like a totally reasonable approach to the asynchrony problem to me. With a couple caveats.
I had a very similar line of thought when working on a new project we just started at my job. I was a big fan of vanilla Redux's elegant system for updating the store and rerendering components in a way that stays out of the guts of a React component tree. It seemed weird to me to hook into that elegant dispatch
mechanism to handle asynchrony.
I ended up going with a really similar approach to what you have there in a library I factored out of our project, which we called react-redux-controller.
I ended up not going with the exact approach you have above for a couple reasons:
itself via lexical scope. This limits the options for refactoring once that connect
statement gets out of hand -- and it's looking pretty unwieldy with just that one update
method. So you need some system for letting you compose those dispatcher functions if you break them up into separate modules.Take together, you have to rig up some system to allow dispatch
and the store to be injected into your dispatching functions, along with the parameters of the event. I know of three reasonable approaches to this dependency injection:
middleware approaches, but I assume they're basically the same.connect
, rather than having to work directly with the raw, normalized store.this
context, through a variety of possible mechanisms.Update
It occurs to me that part of this conundrum is a limitation of react-redux. The first argument to connect gets a state snapshot, but not dispatch. The second argument gets dispatch but not the state. Neither argument gets a thunk that closes over the current state, for being able to see updated state at the time of a continuation/callback.