I have an action that updates the notification state of my application. Usually, this notification will be an error or info of some sort. I need to then dispatch another act
As Dan Abramov said, if you want more advanced control over your async code, you might take a look at redux-saga.
This answer is a simple example, if you want better explanations on why redux-saga can be useful for your application, check this other answer.
The general idea is that Redux-saga offers an ES6 generators interpreter that permits you to easily write async code that looks like synchronous code (this is why you'll often find infinite while loops in Redux-saga). Somehow, Redux-saga is building its own language directly inside Javascript. Redux-saga can feel a bit difficult to learn at first, because you need basic understanding of generators, but also understand the language offered by Redux-saga.
I'll try here to describe here the notification system I built on top of redux-saga. This example currently runs in production.
Screenshot of my production app Stample.co
Here I named the notification a toast
but this is a naming detail.
function* toastSaga() {
// Some config constants
const MaxToasts = 3;
const ToastDisplayTime = 4000;
// Local generator state: you can put this state in Redux store
// if it's really important to you, in my case it's not really
let pendingToasts = []; // A queue of toasts waiting to be displayed
let activeToasts = []; // Toasts currently displayed
// Trigger the display of a toast for 4 seconds
function* displayToast(toast) {
if ( activeToasts.length >= MaxToasts ) {
throw new Error("can't display more than " + MaxToasts + " at the same time");
activeToasts = [...activeToasts,toast]; // Add to active toasts
yield put(events.toastDisplayed(toast)); // Display the toast (put means dispatch)
yield call(delay,ToastDisplayTime); // Wait 4 seconds
yield put(events.toastHidden(toast)); // Hide the toast
activeToasts = _.without(activeToasts,toast); // Remove from active toasts
// Everytime we receive a toast display request, we put that request in the queue
function* toastRequestsWatcher() {
while ( true ) {
// Take means the saga will block until TOAST_DISPLAY_REQUESTED action is dispatched
const event = yield take(Names.TOAST_DISPLAY_REQUESTED);
const newToast = event.data.toastData;
pendingToasts = [...pendingToasts,newToast];
// We try to read the queued toasts periodically and display a toast if it's a good time to do so...
function* toastScheduler() {
while ( true ) {
const canDisplayToast = activeToasts.length < MaxToasts && pendingToasts.length > 0;
if ( canDisplayToast ) {
// We display the first pending toast of the queue
const [firstToast,...remainingToasts] = pendingToasts;
pendingToasts = remainingToasts;
// Fork means we are creating a subprocess that will handle the display of a single toast
yield fork(displayToast,firstToast);
// Add little delay so that 2 concurrent toast requests aren't display at the same time
yield call(delay,300);
else {
yield call(delay,50);
// This toast saga is a composition of 2 smaller "sub-sagas" (we could also have used fork/spawn effects here, the difference is quite subtile: it depends if you want toastSaga to block)
yield [
And the reducer:
const reducer = (state = [],event) => {
switch (event.name) {
return [...state,event.data.toastData];
case Names.TOAST_HIDDEN:
return _.without(state,event.data.toastData);
return state;
You can simply dispatch TOAST_DISPLAY_REQUESTED
events. If you dispatch 4 requests, only 3 notifications will be displayed, and the 4th one will appear a bit later once the 1st notification disappears.
Note that I don't specifically recommend dispatching TOAST_DISPLAY_REQUESTED
from JSX. You'd rather add another saga that listens to your already-existing app events, and then dispatch the TOAST_DISPLAY_REQUESTED
: your component that triggers the notification, does not have to be tightly coupled to the notification system.
My code is not perfect but runs in production with 0 bugs for months. Redux-saga and generators are a bit hard initially but once you understand them this kind of system is pretty easy to build.
It's even quite easy to implement more complex rules, like:
Honnestly, good luck implementing this kind of stuff properly with thunks.
Note you can do exactly the same kind of thing with redux-observable which is very similar to redux-saga. It's almost the same and is a matter of taste between generators and RxJS.