How would you check time difference from two text-boxes in Javascript?
A good solution is avaliable at
gives the output in your desired differnece format of
days : hours : minutes : seconds .
A slightly modified version of that code is shown below
var vdaysdiff; // difference of the dates
var vhourDiff;
var vmindiff;
var vsecdiff;
vdaysdiff = Math.floor(diff/1000/60/60/24); // in days
diff -= vdaysdiff*1000*60*60*24;
vhourDiff = Math.floor(diff/1000/60/60); // in hours
diff -= vhourDiff*1000*60*60;
vmindiff = Math.floor(diff/1000/60); // in minutes
diff -= vmindiff*1000*60;
vsecdiff= Math.floor(diff/1000); // in seconds
//Text formatting
var hourtext = '00';
if (hourDiff > 0){ hourtext = String(hourDiff);}
if (hourtext.length == 1){hourtext = '0' + hourtext};
var mintext = '00';
if (mindiff > 0){ mintext = String(mindiff);}
if (mintext.length == 1){mintext = '0' + mintext};
//shows output as HH:MM ( i needed shorter duration)
duration.value= hourtext + ':' + mintext;