I have the following code making a GET request on a URL:
$(\'#searchButton\').click(function() {
I noticed that if some servers (like Apache2) are not configured to specifically allow or deny any "caching", then the server may by default send a "cached" response, even if you set the HTTP headers to "no-cache". So make sure that your server is not "caching" anything before it sents a response:
In the case of Apache2 you have to
1) edit the "disk_cache.conf" file - to disable cache add "CacheDisable /local_files" directive
2) load mod_cache modules (On Ubuntu "sudo a2enmod cache" and "sudo a2enmod disk_cache")
3) restart the Apache2 (Ubuntu "sudo service apache2 restart");
This should do the trick disabling cache on the servers side. Cheers! :)