What is the Windows batch equivalent of the Linux shell command echo -n
which suppresses the newline at the end of the output?
The idea is to write on t
Use EchoX.EXE from the terrific "Shell Scripting Toolkit" by Bill Stewart
How to suppress the linefeed in a Windows Cmd script:
@Echo Off
Rem Print three Echos in one line of output
EchoX -n "Part 1 - "
EchoX -n "Part 2 - "
EchoX "Part 3"
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
{empty line}
The help for this usage is:
Usage: echox [-n] message
-n Do not skip to the next line.
message The text to be displayed.
The utility is smaller than 48K, and should live in your Path. More things it can do:
- print text without moving to the next line
- print text justified to the left, center, or right, within a certain width
- print text with Tabs, Linefeeds, and Returns
- print text in foreground and background colors
The Toolkit includes twelve more great scripting tricks.
The download page also hosts three other useful tool packages.