I\'m designing an algorithm to do the following: Given array A[1... n]
, for every i < j
, find all inversion pairs such that A[i] > A[j]
Maximum number of inversions possible for a list of size n
could be generalized by an expression:
maxPossibleInversions = (n * (n-1) ) / 2
So for an array of size 6
maximum possible inversions will equal 15
To achieve a complexity of n logn
we could piggy back the inversion algorithm on merge sort.
Here are the generalized steps:
inversionCount += leftSubArray.length
That's it!
This is a simple example, I made using Javascript:
var arr = [6,5,4,3,2,1]; // Sample input array
var inversionCount = 0;
function mergeSort(arr) {
if(arr.length == 1)
return arr;
if(arr.length > 1) {
let breakpoint = Math.ceil((arr.length/2));
// Left list starts with 0, breakpoint-1
let leftList = arr.slice(0,breakpoint);
// Right list starts with breakpoint, length-1
let rightList = arr.slice(breakpoint,arr.length);
// Make a recursive call
leftList = mergeSort(leftList);
rightList = mergeSort(rightList);
var a = merge(leftList,rightList);
return a;
function merge(leftList,rightList) {
let result = [];
while(leftList.length && rightList.length) {
* The shift() method removes the first element from an array
* and returns that element. This method changes the length
* of the array.
if(leftList[0] <= rightList[0]) {
inversionCount += leftList.length;
return result;
console.log('Number of inversions: ' + inversionCount);