Edited Question:
Mobile Resolution:
I would like to design different screen dpi like following resolutions.
I think this is a good answer:
Text size and different android screen sizes
But here how you can do it with screen resolution :
You can create "values" resource directory for each resolution like
values-wWIDTHp-hHEIGHTdp (you can also use values-wWIDTHp or values-hHEIGHTdp)
for example: 320*480 will be values-w320p-h480dp
In each dir (including default values dir) create a file named "dimens.xml" with content:
for exmaple (the value related to the resolution):
Now you can use the "@dimen/def_font_size" or create a style in the default values directory.
Add this to the "styles.xml":