I have researched a lot to adjust the layout when softkeyboard is active and I have successfully implemented it but the problem comes when I use android:theme=\"@andro
To get it to work with FullScreen:
Use the ionic keyboard plugin. This allows you to listen for when the keyboard appears and disappears.
OnDeviceReady add these event listeners:
// Allow Screen to Move Up when Keyboard is Present
window.addEventListener('native.keyboardshow', onKeyboardShow);
// Reset Screen after Keyboard hides
window.addEventListener('native.keyboardhide', onKeyboardHide);
The Logic:
function onKeyboardShow(e) {
// Get Focused Element
var thisElement = $(':focus');
// Get input size
var i = thisElement.height();
// Get Window Height
var h = $(window).height()
// Get Keyboard Height
var kH = e.keyboardHeight
// Get Focused Element Top Offset
var eH = thisElement.offset().top;
// Top of Input should still be visible (30 = Fixed Header)
var vS = h - kH;
i = i > vS ? (vS - 30) : i;
// Get Difference
var diff = (vS - eH - i);
if (diff < 0) {
var parent = $('.myOuter-xs.myOuter-md');
// Add Padding
var marginTop = parseInt(parent.css('marginTop')) + diff - 25;
parent.css('marginTop', marginTop + 'px');
function onKeyboardHide(e) {
// Remove All Style Attributes from Parent Div
Basically if they difference is minus then that is the amount of pixels that the keyboard is covering of your input. So if you adjust your parent div by this that should counteract it.
Adding timeouts to the logic say 300ms should also optimise performance (as this will allow keyboard time to appear.