Why is volatile
needed in C? What is it used for? What will it do?
A marginal use for volatile is the following. Say you want to compute the numerical derivative of a function f
double der_f(double x)
static const double h = 1e-3;
return (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h;
The problem is that x+h-x
is generally not equal to h
due to roundoff errors. Think about it : when you substract very close numbers, you lose a lot of significant digits which can ruin the computation of the derivative (think 1.00001 - 1). A possible workaround could be
double der_f2(double x)
static const double h = 1e-3;
double hh = x + h - x;
return (f(x + hh) - f(x)) / hh;
but depending on your platform and compiler switches, the second line of that function may be wiped out by a aggressively optimizing compiler. So you write instead
volatile double hh = x + h;
hh -= x;
to force the compiler to read the memory location containing hh, forfeiting an eventual optimization opportunity.