I understand the purpose of events, especially within the context of creating user interfaces. I think this is the prototype for creating an event:
public vo
My understanding of the events is;
A variable to hold reference to method / methods to be executed. This makes it possible to pass around methods like a variable.
Steps for creating and calling the event:
The event is an instance of a delegate
Since an event is an instance of a delegate, then we have to first define the delegate.
Assign the method / methods to be executed when the event is fired (Calling the delegate)
Fire the event (Call the delegate)
using System;
namespace test{
class MyTestApp{
//The Event Handler declaration
public delegate void EventHandler();
//The Event declaration
public event EventHandler MyHandler;
//The method to call
public void Hello(){
Console.WriteLine("Hello World of events!");
public static void Main(){
MyTestApp TestApp = new MyTestApp();
//Assign the method to be called when the event is fired
TestApp.MyHandler = new EventHandler(TestApp.Hello);
//Firing the event
if (TestApp.MyHandler != null){