I have to create a report on some student completions. The students each belong to one client. Here are the tables (simplified for this question).
I used the above logic but modified it slightly. My input is of format : "apple:100|pinapple:200|orange:300" stored in a variable @updtAdvanceKeyVal
Here is the function block :
set @res = "";
set @i = 1;
set @updtAdvanceKeyVal = updtAdvanceKeyVal;
-- set r = replace(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@updtAdvanceKeyVal, "|", @i),
-- LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@updtAdvanceKeyVal, "|", @i -1)) + 1),"|","");
-- wrapping the function in "replace" function as above causes to cut off a character from
-- the 2nd splitted value if the value is more than 3 characters. Writing it in 2 lines causes no such problem and the output is as expected
-- sample output by executing the above function :
-- orange:100
-- pi apple:200 !!!!!!!!strange output!!!!!!!!
-- tomato:500
set @r = SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@updtAdvanceKeyVal, "|", @i),
LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@updtAdvanceKeyVal, "|", @i -1)) + 1);
set @r = replace(@r,"|","");
if @r <> "" then
set @key = SUBSTRING_INDEX(@r, ":",1);
set @val = SUBSTRING_INDEX(@r, ":",-1);
select @key, @val;
end if;
set @i = @i + 1;
until @r = ""