I have to create a report on some student completions. The students each belong to one client. Here are the tables (simplified for this question).
MySQL's only string-splitting function is SUBSTRING_INDEX(str, delim, count). You can use this, to, for example:
Return the item before the first separator in a string:
mysql> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('foo#bar#baz#qux', '#', 1);
| SUBSTRING_INDEX('foo#bar#baz#qux', '#', 1) |
| foo |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Return the item after the last separator in a string:
mysql> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('foo#bar#baz#qux', '#', -1);
| SUBSTRING_INDEX('foo#bar#baz#qux', '#', -1) |
| qux |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Return everything before the third separator in a string:
mysql> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('foo#bar#baz#qux', '#', 3);
| SUBSTRING_INDEX('foo#bar#baz#qux', '#', 3) |
| foo#bar#baz |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Return the second item in a string, by chaining two calls:
mysql> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX('foo#bar#baz#qux', '#', 2), '#', -1);
| SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX('foo#bar#baz#qux', '#', 2), '#', -1) |
| bar |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
In general, a simple way to get the nth element of a #
-separated string (assuming that you know it definitely has at least n elements) is to do:
SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(your_string, '#', n), '#', -1);
call discards the nth separator and everything after it, and then the outer SUBSTRING_INDEX
call discards everything except the final element that remains.
If you want a more robust solution that returns NULL
if you ask for an element that doesn't exist (for instance, asking for the 5th element of 'a#b#c#d'
), then you can count the delimiters using REPLACE and then conditionally return NULL
using IF():
LENGTH(your_string) - LENGTH(REPLACE(your_string, '#', '')) / LENGTH('#') < n - 1,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(your_string, '#', n), '#', -1)
Of course, this is pretty ugly and hard to understand! So you might want to wrap it in a function:
CREATE FUNCTION split(string TEXT, delimiter TEXT, n INT)
(LENGTH(string) - LENGTH(REPLACE(string, delimiter, ''))) / LENGTH(delimiter) < n - 1,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(string, delimiter, n), delimiter, -1)
You can then use the function like this:
mysql> SELECT SPLIT('foo,bar,baz,qux', ',', 3);
| SPLIT('foo,bar,baz,qux', ',', 3) |
| baz |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT SPLIT('foo,bar,baz,qux', ',', 5);
| SPLIT('foo,bar,baz,qux', ',', 5) |
| NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT SPLIT('foo###bar###baz###qux', '###', 2);
| SPLIT('foo###bar###baz###qux', '###', 2) |
| bar |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)