I have a page with a lot of textboxes. When someone clicks a link, i want a word or two to be inserted where the cursor is, or appended to the textbox which has the focus.<
Adding text to current cursor position involves two steps:
Demo: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/qZXmgN
Tested in Chrome 48, Firefox 45, IE 11 and Edge 25
function addTextAtCaret(textAreaId, text) {
var textArea = document.getElementById(textAreaId);
var cursorPosition = textArea.selectionStart;
addTextAtCursorPosition(textArea, cursorPosition, text);
updateCursorPosition(cursorPosition, text, textArea);
function addTextAtCursorPosition(textArea, cursorPosition, text) {
var front = (textArea.value).substring(0, cursorPosition);
var back = (textArea.value).substring(cursorPosition, textArea.value.length);
textArea.value = front + text + back;
function updateCursorPosition(cursorPosition, text, textArea) {
cursorPosition = cursorPosition + text.length;
textArea.selectionStart = cursorPosition;
textArea.selectionEnd = cursorPosition;