I want to find files that have \"abc\" AND \"efg\" in that order, and those two strings are on different lines in that file. Eg: a file with content:
blah bl
Grep is not sufficient for this operation.
pcregrep which is found in most of the modern Linux systems can be used as
pcregrep -M 'abc.*(\n|.)*efg' test.txt
where -M
, --multiline
allow patterns to match more than one line
There is a newer pcre2grep also. Both are provided by the PCRE project.
pcre2grep is available for Mac OS X via Mac Ports as part of port pcre2
% sudo port install pcre2
and via Homebrew as:
% brew install pcre
or for pcre2
% brew install pcre2
pcre2grep is also available on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04+)
$ sudo apt install pcre2-utils # PCRE2
$ sudo apt install pcregrep # Older PCRE