I have some doubts over how Enumerators work, and LINQ. Consider these two simple selects:
List sel = (from animal in Animals
I will share one misused concept that I fell into one day:
var names = new List {"mercedes", "mazda", "bmw", "fiat", "ferrari"};
var startingWith_M = names.Where(x => x.StartsWith("m"));
var startingWith_F = names.Where(x => x.StartsWith("f"));
// updating existing list
names[0] = "ford";
// Guess what should be printed before continuing
print( startingWith_M.ToList() );
print( startingWith_F.ToList() );
// I was expecting
print( startingWith_M.ToList() ); // mercedes, mazda
print( startingWith_F.ToList() ); // fiat, ferrari
// what printed actualy
print( startingWith_M.ToList() ); // mazda
print( startingWith_F.ToList() ); // ford, fiat, ferrari
As per other answers, the evaluation of the result was deferred until calling ToList
or similar invocation methods for example ToArray
So I can rewrite the code in this case as:
var names = new List {"mercedes", "mazda", "bmw", "fiat", "ferrari"};
// updating existing list
names[0] = "ford";
// before calling ToList directly
var startingWith_M = names.Where(x => x.StartsWith("m"));
var startingWith_F = names.Where(x => x.StartsWith("f"));
print( startingWith_M.ToList() );
print( startingWith_F.ToList() );