I have a web server written in Node.js and I would like to launch with a specific folder. I\'m not sure how to access arguments in JavaScript. I\'m running node like this:>
You can parse all arguments and check if they exist.
file: parse-cli-arguments.js:
module.exports = function(requiredArguments){
var arguments = {};
for (var index = 0; index < process.argv.length; index++) {
var re = new RegExp('--([A-Za-z0-9_]+)=([A/-Za-z0-9_]+)'),
matches = re.exec(process.argv[index]);
if(matches !== null) {
arguments[matches[1]] = matches[2];
for (var index = 0; index < requiredArguments.length; index++) {
if (arguments[requiredArguments[index]] === undefined) {
throw(requiredArguments[index] + ' not defined. Please add the argument with --' + requiredArguments[index]);
return arguments;
Than just do:
var arguments = require('./parse-cli-arguments')(['foo', 'bar', 'xpto']);