How do I parse and evaluate a mathematical expression in a string (e.g. \'1+1\'
) without invoking eval(string)
to yield its numerical value?
Here is an algorithmic solution similar to jMichael's that loops through the expression character by character and progressively tracks left/operator/right. The function accumulates the result after each turn it finds an operator character. This version only supports '+' and '-' operators but is written to be extended with other operators. Note: we set 'currOp' to '+' before looping because we assume the expression starts with a positive float. In fact, overall I'm making the assumption that input is similar to what would come from a calculator.
function calculate(exp) {
const opMap = {
'+': (a, b) => { return parseFloat(a) + parseFloat(b) },
'-': (a, b) => { return parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(b) },
const opList = Object.keys(opMap);
let acc = 0;
let next = '';
let currOp = '+';
for (let char of exp) {
if (opList.includes(char)) {
acc = opMap[currOp](acc, next);
currOp = char;
next = '';
} else {
next += char;
return currOp === '+' ? acc + parseFloat(next) : acc - parseFloat(next);