If I have some integer n, and I want to know the position of the most significant bit (that is, if the least significant bit is on the right, I want to know the position of
Here are some (simple) benchmarks, of algorithms currently given on this page...
The algorithms have not been tested over all inputs of unsigned int; so check that first, before blindly using something ;)
On my machine clz (__builtin_clz) and asm work best. asm seems even faster then clz... but it might be due to the simple benchmark...
//////// go.c ///////////////////////////////
// compile with: gcc go.c -o go -lm
/***************** math ********************/
#define POS_OF_HIGHESTBITmath(a) /* 0th position is the Least-Signif-Bit */ \
((unsigned) log2(a)) /* thus: do not use if a <= 0 */
#define NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITmath(a) ((a) \
? (1U << POS_OF_HIGHESTBITmath(a)) \
: 0)
/***************** clz ********************/
unsigned NUM_BITS_U = ((sizeof(unsigned) << 3) - 1);
#define POS_OF_HIGHESTBITclz(a) (NUM_BITS_U - __builtin_clz(a)) /* only works for a != 0 */
#define NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITclz(a) ((a) \
? (1U << POS_OF_HIGHESTBITclz(a)) \
: 0)
/***************** i2f ********************/
double FF;
#define POS_OF_HIGHESTBITi2f(a) (FF = (double)(ui|1), ((*(1+(unsigned*)&FF))>>20)-1023)
#define NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITi2f(a) ((a) \
? (1U << POS_OF_HIGHESTBITi2f(a)) \
: 0)
/***************** asm ********************/
unsigned OUT;
#define POS_OF_HIGHESTBITasm(a) (({asm("bsrl %1,%0" : "=r"(OUT) : "r"(a));}), OUT)
#define NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITasm(a) ((a) \
? (1U << POS_OF_HIGHESTBITasm(a)) \
: 0)
/***************** bitshift1 ********************/
#define NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITbitshift1(a) (({ \
OUT = a; \
OUT |= (OUT >> 1); \
OUT |= (OUT >> 2); \
OUT |= (OUT >> 4); \
OUT |= (OUT >> 8); \
OUT |= (OUT >> 16); \
}), (OUT & ~(OUT >> 1))) \
/***************** bitshift2 ********************/
int POS[32] = {0, 1, 28, 2, 29, 14, 24, 3,
30, 22, 20, 15, 25, 17, 4, 8, 31, 27, 13, 23, 21, 19,
16, 7, 26, 12, 18, 6, 11, 5, 10, 9};
#define POS_OF_HIGHESTBITbitshift2(a) (({ \
OUT = a; \
OUT |= OUT >> 1; \
OUT |= OUT >> 2; \
OUT |= OUT >> 4; \
OUT |= OUT >> 8; \
OUT |= OUT >> 16; \
OUT = (OUT >> 1) + 1; \
}), POS[(OUT * 0x077CB531UL) >> 27])
#define NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITbitshift2(a) ((a) \
? (1U << POS_OF_HIGHESTBITbitshift2(a)) \
: 0)
#define LOOPS 100000000U
int main()
time_t start, end;
unsigned ui;
unsigned n;
/********* Checking the first few unsigned values (you'll need to check all if you want to use an algorithm here) **************/
for (ui = 0U; ui < 18; ++ui)
printf("%i\t%i\n", ui, NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITmath(ui));
for (ui = 0U; ui < 18U; ++ui)
printf("%i\t%i\n", ui, NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITclz(ui));
for (ui = 0U; ui < 18U; ++ui)
printf("%i\t%i\n", ui, NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITi2f(ui));
for (ui = 0U; ui < 18U; ++ui) {
printf("%i\t%i\n", ui, NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITasm(ui));
for (ui = 0U; ui < 18U; ++ui) {
printf("%i\t%i\n", ui, NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITbitshift1(ui));
for (ui = 0U; ui < 18U; ++ui) {
printf("%i\t%i\n", ui, NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITbitshift2(ui));
printf("\n\nPlease wait...\n\n");
/************************* Simple clock() benchmark ******************/
start = clock();
for (ui = 0; ui < LOOPS; ++ui)
n = NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITmath(ui);
end = clock();
printf("math:\t%e\n", (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
start = clock();
for (ui = 0; ui < LOOPS; ++ui)
end = clock();
printf("clz:\t%e\n", (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
start = clock();
for (ui = 0; ui < LOOPS; ++ui)
end = clock();
printf("i2f:\t%e\n", (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
start = clock();
for (ui = 0; ui < LOOPS; ++ui)
end = clock();
printf("asm:\t%e\n", (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
start = clock();
for (ui = 0; ui < LOOPS; ++ui)
n = NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITbitshift1(ui);
end = clock();
printf("bitshift1:\t%e\n", (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
start = clock();
for (ui = 0; ui < LOOPS; ++ui)
n = NUM_OF_HIGHESTBITbitshift2(ui);
end = clock();
printf("bitshift2\t%e\n", (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
printf("\nThe lower, the better. Take note that a negative exponent is good! ;)\n");