I often have to sort a dictionary, consisting of keys & values, by value. For example, I have a hash of words and respective frequencies, that I want to order by frequen
Actually in C#, dictionaries don't have sort() methods.
As you are more interested in sort by values,
you can't get values until you provide them key.
In short, you need to iterate through them using LINQ's OrderBy()
var items = new Dictionary();
items.Add("cat", 0);
items.Add("dog", 20);
items.Add("bear", 100);
items.Add("lion", 50);
// Call OrderBy() method here on each item and provide them the IDs.
foreach (var item in items.OrderBy(k => k.Key))
Console.WriteLine(item);// items are in sorted order
You can do one trick:
var sortedDictByOrder = items.OrderBy(v => v.Value);
var sortedKeys = from pair in dictName
orderby pair.Value ascending
select pair;
It also depends on what kind of values you are storing: single (like string, int) or multiple (like List, Array, user defined class).
If it's single you can make list of it and then apply sort.
If it's user defined class, then that class must implement IComparable, ClassName: IComparable
and override compareTo(ClassName c)
as they are more faster and more object oriented than LINQ.