How would I go about removing all of the child elements of a DOM node in JavaScript?
Say I have the following (ugly) HTML:
In response to DanMan, Maarten and Matt. Cloning a node, to set the text is indeed a viable way in my results.
// @param {node} node
// @return {node} empty node
function removeAllChildrenFromNode (node) {
var shell;
// do not copy the contents
shell = node.cloneNode(false);
if (node.parentNode) {
node.parentNode.replaceChild(shell, node);
return shell;
// use as such
var myNode = document.getElementById('foo');
myNode = removeAllChildrenFromNode( myNode );
Also this works for nodes not in the dom which return null when trying to access the parentNode. In addition, if you need to be safe a node is empty before adding content this is really helpful. Consider the use case underneath.
// @param {node} node
// @param {string|html} content
// @return {node} node with content only
function refreshContent (node, content) {
var shell;
// do not copy the contents
shell = node.cloneNode(false);
// use innerHTML or you preffered method
// depending on what you need
shell.innerHTML( content );
if (node.parentNode) {
node.parentNode.replaceChild(shell, node);
return shell;
// use as such
var myNode = document.getElementById('foo');
myNode = refreshContent( myNode );
I find this method very useful when replacing a string inside an element, if you are not sure what the node will contain, instead of worrying how to clean up the mess, start out fresh.