What is the best way(s) to fake function overloading in Javascript?
I know it is not possible to overload functions in Javascript as in other languages. If I neede
I'm not sure about best practice, but here is how I do it:
* Object Constructor
var foo = function(x) {
this.x = x;
* Object Protoype
foo.prototype = {
* f is the name that is going to be used to call the various overloaded versions
f: function() {
* Save 'this' in order to use it inside the overloaded functions
* because there 'this' has a different meaning.
var that = this;
* Define three overloaded functions
var f1 = function(arg1) {
console.log("f1 called with " + arg1);
return arg1 + that.x;
var f2 = function(arg1, arg2) {
console.log("f2 called with " + arg1 + " and " + arg2);
return arg1 + arg2 + that.x;
var f3 = function(arg1) {
console.log("f3 called with [" + arg1[0] + ", " + arg1[1] + "]");
return arg1[0] + arg1[1];
* Use the arguments array-like object to decide which function to execute when calling f(...)
if (arguments.length === 1 && !Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
return f1(arguments[0]);
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
return f2(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
} else if (arguments.length === 1 && Array.isArray(arguments[0])) {
return f3(arguments[0]);
* Instantiate an object
var obj = new foo("z");
* Call the overloaded functions using f(...)
console.log(obj.f("x")); // executes f1, returns "xz"
console.log(obj.f("x", "y")); // executes f2, returns "xyz"
console.log(obj.f(["x", "y"])); // executes f3, returns "xy"