i wrote a simple progressbar:
def bar(total, current, length=10, prefix="", filler="#", space=" ", oncomp="", border="[]", suffix=""):
if len(border) != 2:
print("parameter 'border' must include exactly 2 symbols!")
return None
print(prefix + border[0] + (filler * int(current / total * length) +
(space * (length - int(current / total * length)))) + border[1], suffix, "\r", end="")
if total == current:
if oncomp:
print(prefix + border[0] + space * int(((length - len(oncomp)) / 2)) +
oncomp + space * int(((length - len(oncomp)) / 2)) + border[1], suffix)
if not oncomp:
print(prefix + border[0] + (filler * int(current / total * length) +
(space * (length - int(current / total * length)))) + border[1], suffix)
as you can see, it have: length of bar, prefix and suffix, filler, space, text in bar on 100%(oncomp) and borders
here an example:
from time import sleep, time
start_time = time()
for i in range(10):
pref = str((i+1) * 10) + "% "
complete_text = "done in %s sec" % str(round(time() - start_time))
bar(10, i + 1, length=20, prefix=pref, oncomp=complete_text)
out in progress:
30% [###### ]
out on complete:
100% [ done in 9 sec ]