I have changed a few files name by de-capitalize the first letter, as in Name.jpg
to name.jpg
. Git does not recognize this changes and I had to de
Sometimes it is useful to temporarily change Git's case sensitivity.
Method #1 - Change case sensitivity for a single command:
git -c core.ignorecase=true checkout mybranch
to turn off case-sensitivity for a single checkout
command. Or more generally: git -c core.ignorecase= <
Method #2 - Change case sensitivity for multiple commands:
To change the setting for longer (e.g. if multiple commands need to be run before changing it back):
git config core.ignorecase
(this returns the current setting, e.g. false
).git config core.ignorecase
- set the desired new setting.git config core.ignorecase
- set config value back to its previous setting.