What is the simplest way to remove all the carriage returns \\r
from a file in Unix?
Though it's a older post, recently I came across with same problem. As I had all the files to rename inside /tmp/blah_dir/ as each file in this directory had "/r" trailing character ( showing "?" at end of file), so doing it script way was only I could think of.
I wanted to save final file with same name (without trailing any character). With sed, problem was the output filename which I was needed to mention something else ( which I didn't want).
I tried other options as suggested here (not considered dos2unix because of some limitations) but didn't work.
I tried with "awk" finally which worked where I used "\r" as delimiter and taken the first part:
trick is:
echo ${filename}|awk -F"\r" '{print $1}'
Below script snippet I used ( where I had all file had "\r" as trailing character at path /tmp/blah_dir/) to fix my issue:
cd /tmp/blah_dir/
for i in `ls`
mv $i $(echo $i | awk -F"\r" '{print $1}')
Note: This example is not very exact though close to what I worked (Mentioning here just to give the better idea about what I did)